Managing your NEAR Wallet and Security
This section serves as historical reference, as the Near Wallet ( is no longer supported.
- Abandoning Your Wallet
- Can I disable 2FA on my wallet?
- Cannot recover the account
- Difference Between Testnet Coins and Mainnet Coins in NEAR Protocol
- Do you have the block explorer? Where can I check my transaction?
- How can I logout from my account?
- How do I transfer NEAR from my lockup account to my main account?
- Not enough balance to cover storage
- Recovering Tokens Sent to the Wrong Wallet in NEAR Wallet
- Sending More than 1 Near
- Sent some NEAR tokens to an external wallet/exchange but haven't received them there.
- Staking, Unstaking, and Withdrawing NEAR
- Two Factor Authentication(2FA)
- Where can I find my wallet ID?
- Why can't I transfer or use all of my NEAR?